Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Spud Missionaries!!

Sister Lacey and Sister Ebmeyer (from Apple Valley, CA Stake)

Sister Wilson and Sister Lacey

MTC District at the temple

Hello everyone!! 

I hope that all of you guys had a great week! So after I emailed you guys last week we had a devotional that night and Elder Dallin H. Oaks talked to us! It was so amazing to hear from a prophet of God and have him tell us what we need to know as missionaries! The main thing I got out of it was the importance of the Book of Mormon! He said that the Book of Mormon is the most powerful source of teaching and that it draws people closer to Christ. I have seen that in my life and I hope that if any of you guys are needing a boost in your life, The Book of Mormon is how you can get that boost!

We finished teaching our last investigator and the first lesson on Wednesday did not go the greatest. It is super hard to simplify answers when they ask us questions. My companion and I are pretty good at simplifying the lessons but then they start asking questions so we answer them which I know is good but we start saying unnecessary things that she could learn later but I know we will learn. We have been trying really hard to get her to pray and know that the things that we are teaching her are true and when we taught her for the last time on Friday she said she prayed! She also said that she felt good about meeting with the missionaries and she knows that that was the Holy Ghost! I was excited! 

So I wanted to share with all of you guys a few things that I have learned at the MTC because this is my last full day being here.

1. I need to be better at asking questions.
     -This has been one of my biggest struggles here at the MTC and I hope that I learn how to ask better thought provoking questions. I never realized how important it is to ask good questions when you are teaching someone about Christ. I still have to learn how to ask better questions but I know that with Christ's help, I will get there!

2. I am horrible at kickball...
   - We played as a district a few times this week and let me tell you I am horrible!! Running is good but kicking and catching could use some work. I thought the elders on my team where going to disown me for how bad I was doing! It was my fault though because when the ball would come for me... I am ashamed to say but I would run away from it. What can I say I am a runner!

3. I am a Spud Missionary!
   - We learned this week that people in Idaho call potatoes, spuds! Therefore, we are Spud Missionaries! I cannot wait to get to Idaho and meet and learn and teach! And eat some spuds!

4. Having a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ is essential.
    -This is probably the most important thing that I have learned here at the MTC. The MTC is such an amazing place and I am so blessed to be able to be here. The spirit is so strong and I have grown so much in the short time that I have been here! Something that has helped me the most was knowing that my Savior is right with through everything. I realized this when I was teaching my "investigator" and testifying to her about the Savior Jesus Christ. I know that if I am going to be teaching others how to gain a better relationship with the Savior, I need to be doing the same. I love my Savior Jesus Christ so much and I know that He atoned for the sins of all mankind and only through Him can we live with our Father in Heaven again!

I love you all so much! Thank you all for the support and thank you to those who helped me to become a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!! I just wanted to share one last thing. If any of you guys get the feeling to do something good for someone else, DO IT!!! I have also learned that while I was here. Have a good week and wish me luck in Idaho!!!

Sister Lacey 

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