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Singing in choir at BYU Idaho Center |
Her friends from Apple Valley saw her in the choir!! |
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Idaho Candy! |
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Sister Barreto |
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Saying goodbye to her truck, "Trigger" :'( |
Hey Y'all!!
I am in Rexburg now and let me tell you, it is AMAZING!!!! I am so happy to be here! It was rough saying bye to everyone in Rigby but I know that this transfer was inspired from God! Man I am so lucky to have such an inspired mission president!
So last Monday Sister Hurst got picked up so she could enter the MTC last Wednesday! I guess she found Sister Gaston (my trainer) there and they took a picture together! I'll send it to y'all! My mission President showed it to me! It was fun to see!
So from most of Monday to most of Thursday, I was in a trio with the Manan Spanish speaking sisters! Those were some fun crazy days haha! I have been on exchanges with Sister Mena and Sister Yates so it was fun being with them. So last Monday night we had a family home evening with a family in their area and they all spoke Spanish... there was like 7 people there and I was the only one that didn't know Spanish haha! It was fun though! Some of them knew English so they would talk to me :)! I know how missionaries feel that get called speaking a different language! The only difference is... by this point in their mission they are basically fluent... and I will never be in my mission so I am just going to be lost my whole mission on exchanges and stuff but that's okay! Lol Anyways, so the lesson was in Spanish and I could follow a tiny but of it and it was really cool because Sister Yates gave the account of the First Vision and the spirit was so strong! I started crying, and then Sister Mena translated for me so I could bare my testimony! It was a great lesson!
We were also able to teach 2 of the people we are teaching on Wednesday night and it was a great lesson. They are 2 little boys and they are 8 and 9 years old. We taught them about Joseph Smith and they are so smart! It has been fun to see them grow as I have taught them these past 6 months! I will miss them but hopefully I can go to their baptism!
So Thursday was transfer day and at first when I said bye to everyone and get in the car with President and Sister Nelson, I was like..."Oh shoot... I'm leaving my family!!" But then we got in the car and president started talking with us and my sadness turned into excitement and it's just been growing everyday since! They are so many amazing people we are working with right now in Rexburg! We cover 17 Wards and a branch! So that is a Stake and a half! Crazy right?! We cover the Rexburg Stake and half of the Rexburg YSA 4th Stake (they are all of the off campus YSA).
I was able to go to a meeting last friday down at the mission office and President Nelson said something in that meeting that helped me a lot! When I got called that I was being transferred, I was a little down because I was not sure if I was did enough for Rigby. But during that meeting President just said something that helped me realize that I did do what God wanted me to do! I am so grateful that he listened to the spirit and said that comment so my mind could be put to ease!
We are teaching this one lady who is apart of the branch and she is so sweet! We are helping her overcome some stuff right now and then hopefully she can be baptized soon! We were also able to meet with one of our investigators who is 8 almost 9. We taught him while he fished and I think he thought it was funny to mess with me because I didn't like the worms lol! That was a good lesson though and not only did he catch a fish but he prayed at the end of it! I think that was the first time that he has ever prayed! It was so sweet to hear!
On Sunday we were running around like chickens with our heads chopped off trying to go to and meet as many ward members as possible! It was fun! Sunday's are busy! Not only that but we were able to sing in a choir for a devotional that they had at the I-Center! I felt like I was in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of something! I do not think I have sung in front of that many people before! The devotional was very good and it was all about how the YSA and the married couples could do missionary work! AfterwOrds I was walking over to go say hi to my mission president and his wife who came to the fireside and someone walks right in front of me and says, "HEATHER!" It took me a good second to register who it was but it was Shelby Smithson!!! And then Emily Packer came! Then Kelsey Rook! Then Truman Cox!!! It was crazy!!! They all saw me on the screen singing the choir and were all like, "What the heck?? Is that Heather??" Haha it was so good to see them! It was a tender mercy!
Well I think that is all for this week! I am so excited for this upcoming week and especially for General Conference! I would like to invite all of you (if you have not already) but think of some questions that you have and expect your answer in General Confernce! I love you all so much! Have a great, safe week!
Sister Lacey
The letter I sent you for October was returned as "Not deliverable as addressed." (I'm going to try again.) Sister Fox